Personal Injury Protection in Pennsylvania

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When getting car insurance in Pennsylvania, there are a few required coverages with which all residents should be familiar. Pennsylvania is one of 13 no-fault states, meaning all drivers are required to carry the no-fault coverage called personal injury protection or PIP. 

PIP is a no-fault coverage, meaning neither party in a collision must be deemed at fault to invoke this coverage. PIP helps the policyholder cover a wide variety of medical expenses they may incur due to an accident. Pennsylvania PIP coverage can be a bit confusing, so let’s take a closer look at this coverage type and how it works on auto insurance policies in the Keystone State.

What You Need To Know About Personal Injury Protection in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania state insurance laws and requirements mandate all drivers with vehicles registered in the state to have a minimum amount of PIP on their auto insurance policies. PIP is a no-fault coverage that’s often required in states with no-fault laws. This coverage type allows policyholders to receive funds directly from their own policies to assist with medical expenses they incur due to an accident. 

Typically, drivers in states without a no-fault law will defer to tort or at-fault coverage in a collision. Tort coverage helps the victim of a collision receive financial benefits from the at-fault party’s insurance coverage. Relying on tort coverage means relying on other drivers’ insurance to help pay your bills if you’re injured in an accident. 

States with a high number of uninsured drivers typically require drivers to carry some form of first-party medical benefits (FPMB) on their policies because other drivers may not be reliable. No-fault laws requiring PIP or other FPMB coverages may be enacted to keep the court systems from getting backed up with tort claims. It may also be a good idea to carry uninsured motorist coverage.

Is Pennsylvania a PIP State?

In Pennsylvania, PIP coverage is required by law, so the state is considered a PIP state. All drivers in the state must have at least $5,000 of PIP or another FPMB. Failure to carry this required coverage may be punishable by hefty fines, license suspension, or even registration suspension.

While many states adopt no-fault laws because of a high number of uninsured drivers, only about 6% of Pennsylvanian drivers lack sufficient insurance. While the number of uninsured drivers in the state is statistically low, Pennsylvania is a highly populous state. Where there’s a higher population, there’s a higher likelihood of getting into an accident with an uninsured driver. 

Say you’re injured in an accident caused by an uninsured driver, and you only have liability coverage. Not only would you be breaking the law and liable to any legal repercussions, but you would have to pay out of your own pocket for your medical expenses. With PIP or any other FPMB coverage, your medical expenses are covered up to your policy limit.

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What Is the Pennsylvania Personal Injury Protection Law?

The Pennsylvania PIP law, otherwise known as the no-fault law, requires all drivers to have at least $5,000 of PIP/FPMB on their auto insurance policies. While PIP or another FPMB is legally required in the state, it’s also generally a great coverage to have on your policy.

Here at Clovered, we recommend drivers have as much PIP or FPMB as they can afford. Carrying the legal minimum is a great place to start, but Pennsylvania PIP limits allow drivers to have up to $100,000 in coverage. In a state with such a high population, carrying more coverage than necessary is a good idea since your likelihood of getting into an accident is statistically higher. 

While PIP can be an expensive coverage, often totaling about 50% of your premium, it’s generally more cost-effective to pay higher premiums with a higher PIP limit than to cash in on short-term savings by lowering your PIP limit. When you carry a low PIP limit on your policy, you may save on your monthly or annual premiums, but the long-term cost of potential medical debt is much higher than the cost of higher premiums.

Is PIP Required in Pennsylvania?

Technically, having PIP in Pennsylvania isn’t required, but all drivers must have at least $5,000 of a FPMB on their auto insurance policies. Most drivers opt for their FPMB to be PIP, as it’s the most readily available and widely expansive medical benefits coverage.

How Does PIP Work in Pennsylvania?

Filing a PIP claim in Pennsylvania will give you, as the policyholder, access to a wide array of medical benefits should you be injured in an auto accident. Not only does PIP cover the policyholder, but it also covers the policyholder’s passengers. PIP may also protect you as a pedestrian or a bicyclist if you’re injured by a car.

You can only receive funds up to your policy limit when invoking your PIP coverage. You must also pay your deductible before receiving any financial assistance from your PIP coverage. Filing a PIP claim means filing with your own insurance.

Drivers in the Keystone State are only required to carry $5,000 in PIP but may be eligible for a much higher limit. Depending on your insurer and your financial status, you may be able to carry up to $100,000 in PIP coverage.

Carrying more coverage than the required minimum is often a wise decision, especially regarding PIP. If you’ve ever taken a trip to a hospital in America, you know it isn’t difficult to incur $5,000 during your stay. Hospital visits can get expensive fast; from ambulance rides to diagnostic tests to medications, totals quickly add up. This is why carrying a higher PIP limit may really pay off in the long run.

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Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law First Party Benefits Explained

The Pennsylvania motor vehicle financial responsibility law is the law that requires all drivers to carry at least $15,000 of bodily injury liability per person, $30,000 of bodily injury liability per accident, $5,000 of property damage liability per accident, and $5,000 of PIP or some other FPMB like medical payments (MedPay).

If you lease or finance your vehicle, your lender or leaser may also require you to have collision coverage and comprehensive coverage on your policy. In short, the law mandates minimum car insurance requirements in the state

The required minimum amount of PIP in the state may cover any medical expenses for the policyholder up to the policy limit if deemed reasonable or necessary. With minimum PIP, medical expenses beyond immediate care, like loss of wages or essential services, aren’t covered. However, with a higher PIP limit, your insurer’s PIP coverage may cover these extended benefits. 

If you or your passengers suffer serious injuries resulting from a car accident, your PIP may cover any of the following expenses:

  • Hospital or Doctor visits
  • Ambulances
  • Therapy and/or rehabilitation
  • Diagnostic tests (X-rays, MRIs, etc.)
  • Prescription medications
  • Surgeries
  • Prosthetics

If you carry more than the $5,000 minimum of PIP, it may cover the following expenses:

  • Loss of wages
  • Essential services (childcare, in-home care, housekeeping, etc.)
  • Funeral expenses

While PIP coverage in Pennsylvania extends to a vast array of medical expenses, it’s crucial to consult your insurer about precisely what your PIP coverage covers. Your insurer may offer additional benefits than those listed above, or they may offer significantly less coverage for your medical expenses. The details of PIP coverage vary significantly based on your insurer, so it’s essential that you research your provider’s PIP coverage before binding or changing a policy.

What Is the Pennsylvania PIP Statute?

In Pennsylvania, the PIP statute mandates all drivers carry at least $5,000 of a FPMB coverage, like PIP, on their policies. Drivers must carry this coverage to cover their own medical expenses in an accident, regardless of who’s at fault for the accident. PIP coverage often makes it easier for the injured policyholder to begin receiving benefits as quickly as possible.

In Pennsylvania, the PIP statute of limitations is generally two years. This means policyholders must file a claim with their insurer to receive their PIP benefits within two years of the accident that caused the injury. 

While PIP coverage can be expensive, there are many great ways you can get the cheapest coverage in Pennsylvania while still getting the best coverage in the state. One of the best ways to ensure you get the PIP coverage you want at a price you’ll love is to get and compare quotes from multiple insurers. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place.

Here at Clovered, we have a free quoting tool you can use to get quotes from the best insurers in the state in just minutes. If you have any questions about your quote or PIP coverage in the Keystone State, contact us at 833-255-4117 or at [email protected].

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The editorial content on Clovered’s website is meant to be informational material and should not be considered legal advice.

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