Homeowners Insurance in Maple Grove, Minnesota
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- Homeowners Insurance in Maple Grove, Minnesota
One of the fastest-growing cities in the state, Maple Grove, Minnesota, offers the best of both worlds. Located just outside of Minneapolis, this city has plenty of its own attractions while being just a short drive away from the big city. But while residents are out enjoying the Land of 10,000 Lakes, their Minnesota home insurance policies are working hard, protecting their homes in the background.
Let’s take a look at the nuances of home insurance in Maple Grove, Minnesota.
What’s the Average Cost of Home Insurance in Maple Grove, Minnesota?
The average cost of home insurance in Maple Grove, Minnesota, is about $2,296 annually, or about 15% above the average rate in the state of about $1,926 annually. It’s crucial to keep in mind, though, that this is just an average and may help indicate a range in which Maple Grove residents may see their premiums. Insurance is highly subjective, especially premiums, so an average may not reveal much to an individual.
Premiums can be subjective because insurers base rates on your likelihood of filing a claim. If you’re at an above-average risk of filing a claim, your insurer will likely charge you above-average premiums.
Insurers will also look at your desired policy when determining your rates. The amount of dwelling coverage you wish to maintain on your policy will directly affect your premiums, as dwelling coverage is one of the main components of your policy and, therefore, one of the most expensive.
Let’s see how premiums in Maple Grove differ when dwelling coverage is adjusted.
Average Homeowners Insurance Rates in Maple Grove | |||
Dwelling Coverage | $200,000 | $300,000 | $400,000 |
Annual Premium | $1,670 | $2,505 | $3,340 |
In Maple Grove, premiums vary by a margin of over $800 when $100,000 in dwelling coverage is added or subtracted. Clearly, it’s a huge determinant of your premiums.
Insurers consider many facets of you and your home when determining your premiums, as many things can indicate your risk of filing a claim. Generally, if anything makes you susceptible to experiencing a common peril, like a fire, theft, or hail, this may indicate risk to an insurer. In fact, hail storms are becoming more frequent in Minnesota, which may contribute to rising premiums in the state.
Some personal characteristics your insurer may consider to assess your risk of filing a claim are your claims history, credit history, and marital status.
Your insurer may consider certain characteristics about your home, such as its location, age, attractive nuisances on your property, and the materials used to build the most impact-prone areas, like your roof or siding.
Insurers may also consider some facts about your city, like its likelihood of experiencing severe weather and the crime rates, specifically the property crime rates.
Finally, insurers will also consider your policy when determining premiums, raising or lowering your rates depending on your coverage limits, deductible, and any additional coverages you add on.

We partner with the nation’s top homeowners insurance companies so you can get a custom policy at an affordable price.
Finding the Best Maple Grove Home Insurance
Getting the best Maple Grove home insurance is highly subjective. While insurers like Farmers, Travelers, and AAA offer some of the lowest rates for standard policies, they may not provide the best policy for your needs.
For better or worse, there’s no such thing as the end-all-be-all “best” homeowners insurance policy. Instead, you must decide what you value most from your policy and find the policy that best suits your needs.
The best way to determine what you value from your policy is to decide what you value more- cost or coverage. You’ll find while you’re searching for a policy that you’ll likely have to compromise on one of these values, so deciding which you value most can help you narrow down the best policy for your needs.
If you value coverage more:
If your protection is worth more to you than how much you can save on your premiums, the best policy for your needs will likely be one with high coverage limits and optional coverages added on. These optional coverages are called endorsements and can be used to extend your policy to protect specific items, collections, or perils.
For example, if you run a small business out of your home selling handmade greeting cards, you may consider adding a permitted incidental occupancy endorsement to your policy to extend your homeowners insurance coverage to the tools and materials you use to operate your business.
If you value cost more:
If you value savings over coverage, the best policy for you will likely be the cheapest one on the market. Insurers that offer base rates below the city average of $2,296 will likely have the best policy for your needs. This policy will likely have minimal coverage limits and no additional coverages.
Do I Need Flood Insurance in Maple Grove?
Technically, you don’t need flood insurance in Maple Grove, as it isn’t required by the law. But, it’s important to note that homeowners insurance doesn’t cover damage caused by flooding, so those in flood-prone areas may be better off with a Minnesota flood insurance policy.
With flooding in Minneapolis and surrounding cities becoming more severe and frequent, Maple Grove residents may consider a flood insurance policy. Flooding is the country’s most common natural disaster, and it can be very expensive to remedy. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the nation’s largest flood insurer, reports that just one inch of floodwaters in a house can easily cause over $20,000 in damages.

Do you want to pay for costly and common flood damage yourself or have an insurance policy pick up the tab?
How to Find the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance in Maple Grove
Whether you value savings over coverage or are looking to save on your bills wherever you can, there are a few ways you can make sure your Maple Grove home insurance policy is the cheapest it can be. Although rates are subjective and vary from person to person, there are a few ways everyone can lower their rates, whatever they may be.
- Change your deductible amount
Premiums are directly correlated with your deductible amount. As you lower your deductible, your premium rises, and as you raise your deductible, your premium falls. So, to lower your premium a bit, you’ll want to raise your deductible.
Remember, though, that your deductible is the out-of-pocket cost you’ll owe during the claims process before your coverage kicks in. So, be sure your deductible is still an amount you can afford.
- Tailor your coverage limits
It makes sense that your coverage limits are directly tied to your premiums. As you raise your coverage limits, your premiums rise. But, as you lower your coverage limits, your premiums fall. So, to truly get the cheapest policy possible, lower your coverage limits to the lowest limits your insurer allows.
Just remember that if you suffer damage from a covered peril, anything exceeding your policy limits will become an out-of-pocket cost.
- Seek discounts
One of the best ways to lower your premiums is to use the discounts your insurer offers. Adding discounts to your premiums is a risk-free way to lower your premiums because you aren’t risking being underinsured or owing more out-of-pocket in the event of a claim.
Insurers offer many different discounts based on your personal traits, consumer habits, or home characteristics. For example, insurers commonly offer discounts for those who pay their premiums annually instead of monthly or for those who install a security system on their property.
Is Property Insurance in Maple Grove Required?
By law, property insurance isn’t required in Maple Grove or anywhere else in Minnesota. However, if you use a mortgage to pay for your home, your mortgage lender will likely require you to maintain a policy while you’re making payments.
While homeowners insurance policies can be highly subjective, they follow the same pattern when it comes to the coverages you’re required to maintain. While coverage limits can be adjusted, here’s what Maple Grove residents can expect from their policies.
Homeowners Insurance Coverages in Maple Grove, Minnesota | |
Coverage | Definition |
Dwelling Coverage (Coverage A) | Dwelling coverage protects the structure of your home. So, if a covered peril on your policy damages something like your roof, walls, siding, or windows, you’ll be covered. |
Other Structures Coverage (Coverage B) | Other structures coverage covers the structures on your property that aren’t attached to your main home. This means things like your fence, shed, pool, and detached garage will be protected if a covered peril damages them. |
Personal Property Coverage (Coverage C) | Personal property coverage helps keep the belongings in your home and on your property safe. So, if a covered peril damages your jewelry, lawn tools, furniture, clothing, and electronics, or if there’s a robbery, you’re covered. |
Loss of Use Coverage (Coverage D) | Loss of use coverage can come in handy if your home is rendered unlivable after damage from a covered peril. You can use this coverage for expenses like storage fees, temporary lodging, groceries, and more. |
Personal Liability Coverage (Coverage E) | Personal liability coverage can help you out if you damage someone’s property or if a guest is injured on your property. It can help cover your legal fees and your guest’s medical expenses. |
Medical Payments Coverage (Coverage F) | Medical payments coverage is similar to liability coverage, but can only be used to cover medical expenses for a minor injury. So, it can be used for things like dental work, an ambulance ride, diagnostic testing, and so on. |
How to Get Quotes for Home Insurance in Maple Grove
Getting home insurance in Maple Grove is almost too easy when you’re with Clovered. We have a free quoting tool you can use to input a few simple details about your home, and our system will quickly take care of the rest. Then, you can sift through your quotes and choose the best policy for your needs.
If you have any questions or just prefer to talk to a person, you can contact one of our licensed agents. For assistance, call 833-255-4117 or email agent@clovered.com.

We partner with the nation's top homeowners insurance companies so you can get a custom policy at an affordable price.
The editorial content on Clovered’s website is meant to be informational material and should not be considered legal advice.