The Cheapest Car Insurance in Pennsylvania

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  • The Cheapest Car Insurance in Pennsylvania

Whether you’re commuting in Pittsburgh, catching an Eagles game in Philadelphia, or heading to Hershey Park for a day of chocolate and fun, you’ll want to ensure you insure your car for the lowest rate possible so you can use your savings for the fun things the state has to offer. Car insurance in Pennsylvania isn’t much more expensive than the national average full-coverage policy, but it costs about $1,660 annually.

While a policy in the state isn’t much more than the national average of $1,670 annually for a full coverage policy, who doesn’t love savings? Let’s investigate how you can get the cheapest auto insurance in Pennsylvania while maintaining excellent coverage.

The Cheapest Auto Insurance in Pennsylvania Explained

Finding cheap car insurance in Pennsylvania might be tough, but lucky for you, you’ve come to the experts. We’ll teach you all the tips and tricks you need to get a policy at a low cost without sacrificing coverage. In Pennsylvania, the average full coverage policy costs about $1,660 annually, and the average minimum coverage policy costs about half that.

Car insurance laws and requirements in Pennsylvania require all drivers to carry at least $15,000 of bodily injury liability per person, $30,000 of bodily injury liability per accident, $5,000 of property damage liability per accident (15/30/5 liability coverage), and at least $5,000 in personal injury protection (PIP). A policy with just these coverages is considered a minimum coverage policy.

When determining your premiums, insurance providers use unique details about you to calculate your rates. Some factors that help insurers determine your premiums are your age, gender, ZIP code, and the type of car you drive, among several other factors. So, while finding cheap rates is possible for everyone, it’s important to know some fixed details about you may be contributing to your premium prices.

Let’s look more in-depth at how you can get the lowest insurance rates in Pennsylvania with either a minimum or full coverage car insurance policy. 

How To Find Cheap Auto Insurance in Pennsylvania

The first step to finding cheap auto insurance in Pennsylvania is to narrow down what you value in a policy. When it comes to auto insurance policies, there are two things you will need to look at: coverage and cost. 

If you value cost over coverage, the best auto insurance policy for you will be a minimum coverage policy at the cheapest base rate with several discounts applied. If you value coverage over cost but are still interested in saving some money, the best policy for you will be a full coverage policy at a low base rate with several discounts applied.

If you’re unsure which you value more, coverage or cost, or if you feel that you value both equally, you may still find ways to lower your premiums while maintaining great coverage. Let’s look at a couple of ways folks find affordable insurance in Pennsylvania.

Getting Minimum Coverage

The easiest and most surefire way to get cheap Pennsylvania auto insurance is to carry only the minimum amount of legally required coverage. In the Keystone State, this policy would only have 15/30/5 of liability coverage and $5,000 of PIP. If you lease or finance your car, your lender or leaser will likely require you to carry collision and comprehensive coverage on your policy.

Whether you have a full or minimum coverage policy, the base rates will likely remain on par with the state’s average. This means that since Pennsylvania’s average premium for a full coverage policy is about the same as the nation’s average, the premiums for a minimum coverage policy will likely remain consistent with the national average. While the ratio will remain consistent with the national average, reducing your coverage to minimum coverage from full will dramatically reduce your premiums. 

While a considerable reduction in premiums sounds great, don’t be fooled. You must remember you’re sacrificing coverage to maximize savings for cheap auto insurance in Pennsylvania. While it’s always important to do what’s best for you, here at Clovered, we feel that paying higher premiums for more coverage is worth the price.

Reducing your coverage to lower your premiums means you’re far less protected on the roads. For example, say you cause an accident while on your way to see the Liberty Bell, and you only have minimum coverage. In this scenario, once you reach your deductible, your 15/30/5 liability coverage will kick in to pay the expenses the other driver accrues, but only up to your limit. After you exceed your limit, you’re liable to pay the rest of the expenses out of pocket.

If you’ve ever gotten a bill from an American hospital, you know exceeding $15,000 in medical expenses isn’t difficult. In many cases, it’s more cost-effective to spring for a full coverage policy with higher premiums than paying out of pocket for the remaining sum of those medical expenses.

Applying Discounts

One of the best ways to get low-cost insurance in Pennsylvania is to search for insurers that offer low base rates and plenty of discounts for which you’re eligible. Many insurers offer a range of discounts for their policyholders, and some even allow you to stack your discounts to maximize your savings.

Many insurers offer discounts to policyholders who meet a certain set of criteria. Some insurers may offer discounts for drivers who have specific safety or anti-theft features on their cars. In contrast, others may offer savings for those who drive electric or hybrid vehicles. Many insurers also offer discounts for policyholders who bundle several policies with the same insurer or multiple cars on the same policy.

Some other great car insurance discounts in Pennsylvania are good student discounts for drivers who are full-time students that get good grades, occupational discounts, or veteran discounts. While these discounts typically only save you about 10% off your premium, some savings are better than no savings.

Many insurers also offer participatory programs in which policyholders can enroll to receive discounts on their policies. For example, many insurers now offer safe driving programs in which drivers may enroll in a driving safety course, which will reward a discount upon passing. 

Other participatory programs may offer savings to drivers who consent to use a telematics device to track their driving data. These policyholders will then receive a discount on their premiums if they practice safe driving habits on the road. Drivers who use telematics devices may also receive a discount if they drive less than 12,000 miles annually, which is the national average amount of miles Americans drive annually.

While many telematics programs offer discounts of up to 25% off your premiums, insurers may use the data they collect to increase your premiums rather than decrease them. If you’re a risky driver or make poor choices behind the wheel, your insurer may reserve the right to increase your premiums. Be sure to read the fine print before enrolling in such a program.

What Is the Cheapest Car Insurance in Pennsylvania?

Finding cheap insurance in Pennsylvania is a matter of finding an insurer that offers a minimum coverage policy at a low base rate with several opportunities for stackable discounts. Minimum coverage policies won’t vary too much in price based on your insurer, but it doesn’t hurt to look around for the cheapest policy.

While a minimum coverage policy will surely pay off with short-term savings, they don’t always make sense in the long run. Here at Clovered, we highly recommend finding a full coverage policy from an insurer that offers low base rates and several opportunities for stackable discounts instead of sacrificing your coverage for savings. While it’s perfectly legal to have a minimum coverage policy, and such a policy is definitely the cheapest option, we recommend finding other ways to lower your premiums.

Who Has the Cheapest Insurance in Pennsylvania?

State Farm and Travelers offer the cheapest insurance in Pennsylvania, with full coverage policies costing, on average, about $970 and $1,150 annually, respectively. Each of these insurers offers base rates far below the state and national averages for full coverage policies and a plethora of stackable discounts. 

Those looking for low-income car insurance in Pennsylvania may find the cheapest policy with State Farm, Travelers, or some of the other best insurers in Pennsylvania, like Geico, Nationwide, and Progressive. Each insurer offers base rates below the state and national average for full coverage car insurance policies. 

Who Has Cheap Liability Insurance in Pennsylvania?

Many of the nation’s top insurers offer cheap liability car insurance in Pennsylvania, including State Farm and Travelers. While a liability-only policy may be the most affordable option, it’s crucial to remember it might not always be the best. 

Ensuring your values are met with your car insurance policy is essential. If you value cost over coverage, a liability-only policy may make the most sense for you. If you value coverage over cost, you may consider boosting your policy to full coverage so you can be more protected on the Keystone State’s roads. 

Who Has the Cheapest Full Coverage Car Insurance in Pennsylvania?

Cheap full coverage auto insurance in Pennsylvania may be tough to come by, but not impossible. Many of the nation’s top insurers, including State Farm and Travelers, offer low base rates and stackable discounts in the Keystone State. These insurers’ average full coverage policy costs about $970 and $1,150 annually, respectively.

A full coverage policy in Pennsylvania typically includes liability coverage with a limit higher than 15/30/5, PIP coverage with a limit higher than $5,000, and several optional coverage types, like collision, comprehensive, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage (UM/UIM), and medical payments coverage (MedPay).

Is Car Insurance Cheaper in Pennsylvania?

The average full coverage Pennsylvania car insurance policy costs about the same as the national average for a full coverage car insurance policy. A full coverage policy costs about $1,660 annually in Pennsylvania, and the national average is about $1,670.

Compared to many states, car insurance is cheaper in Pennsylvania. States with higher populations, bigger cities, or strict no-fault laws typically have more expensive car insurance premiums. While Pennsylvania isn’t the cheapest state for car insurance, it’s comparatively cheaper than many other states.

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance Quotes in Pennsylvania

The best way to get the cheapest car insurance policy in Pennsylvania that meets your needs is to get and compare quotes from several insurers. Luckily, that’s our specialty.

Here at Clovered, we have a free quoting tool you can use to get and compare several quotes in minutes. If you prefer to speak to an agent about your quote or have any questions about finding cheap insurance, Pennsylvania drivers should be sure to call us at 833-255-4117 or email us at

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