Homeowners Insurance in St. Augustine, Florida

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  • Homeowners Insurance in St. Augustine, Florida

Known for its breathtaking 16th-century Spanish architecture that includes the Castillo de San Marco fort and the newer St. Augustine Lighthouse, St. Augustine is old Florida at its finest. While St. Augustine remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in Florida, more than 15,000 residents call the city home.

If you own a house in the city, let’s take a look at what homeowners insurance in St. Augustine, Florida covers, how much you can expect to pay and where to get the best prices on your premiums.

Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance in St. Augustine, Florida

The average cost of homeowners insurance in St. Augustine, Florida is $2,326 per year for a $150,000 house, $4,212 per year for a $300,000 house and $6,044 for a $450,000 house. 

When you consider its location near the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the average cost of homeowners insurance in Florida, residents of St. Augustine enjoy very affordable home insurance premiums.

Average Rates of Homeowners Insurance in St. Augustine
Company $150,000 House $300,000 House $450,000 House
Citizens $1,091 $2,075 $2,844
People’s Trust $2,423 $4,327 $6,233
Progressive $1,693 $3,024 $4,356
Safeco $1,781 $3,563 $5,076
State Farm $939 $1,679 $2,421
Tower Hill $1,191 $2,128 $3,066
Universal Property $2,089 $3,943 $5,567
Average $2,326 $4,212 $6,044

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While the average cost of homeowners insurance in Florida tips the scale at $2,326 per year for a $150,000 house, St. Augustine residents can pay less if their home meets a few qualifications listed below regarding wind mitigation and construction.

The premiums displayed in this article were obtained by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. They represent the most recent rate filings from the state’s largest insurers and can be utilized as an average of what Floridians can expect to pay for homeowners insurance each year. The example premiums are based on a policy for a Florida masonry home with a $500 non-hurricane deductible, a 2% hurricane deductible and no claims in the past three years.

Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Rate Factors
Home Construction Coverage Definition
Wind Mitigation Measures that strengthen your home’s ability to withstand strong winds from hurricanes and tropical storms. Common wind mitigation features involve roof construction methods, roof connections and attachments, and impact-resistant doors and windows.
Pre-2001 Construction w/ No Wind Mitigation These premiums represent Florida homes built in 1990 with no wind mitigation features. 
Pre-2001 Construction w/ Wind Mitigation These premiums represent Florida homes built in 1990 with maximum wind mitigation features. 
New Construction These premiums represent Florida homes built in 2005 after the state revamped its construction standards to better combat hurricane-force winds. These homes have limited wind mitigation features and no hip roof.

Take a look at the following table for St. Augustine homeowners insurance rates on $150,000 homes with and without mitigation.

Cost of Homeowners Insurance in St. Augustine on $150,000 Homes
Company Pre-2001 No Wind Pre-2001 w/ Wind 2005-Present
Citizens $1,587 $760 $925
People’s Trust $3,337 $1,949 $1,983
Progressive $2,218 $1,450 $1,412
Safeco $2,108 $1,628 $1,608
State Farm $1,396 $804 $617
Tower Hill $1,740 $917 $916
Universal Property $3,435 $1,413 $1,418
Average $3,337 $1,890 $1,751

One of the main factors for the affordable homeowners insurance rates is that St. Augustine doesn’t face the same destructive risks from hurricanes and heavy winds as much of the state. The northern part of Florida is one of the least hurricane-prone places in the state due to its unique location that funnels hurricane winds northward to Georgia and the Carolinas.

But even though homeowners insurance in St. Augustine may seem extremely affordable at first glance, you may have quite a bit of trouble finding a $150,000 house in the city. Like the rest of the state, the real estate market has been steadily rising. So let’s take a look at what you can expect to pay for homeowners insurance each year for a $300,000 house and a $450,000 house.

Cost of Homeowners Insurance in St. Augustine on $300,000 Homes
Company Pre-2001 No Wind Pre-2001 w/ Wind 2005-Present
Citizens $2,857 $1,520 $1,849
People’s Trust $6,007 $3,508 $3,466
Progressive $3,992 $2,610 $2,469
Safeco $4,216 $3,256 $3,216
State Farm $2,513 $1,447 $1,078
Tower Hill $3,132 $1,651 $1,601
Universal Property $6,183 $2,812 $2,835
Average $6,039 $3,459 $3,137


Cost of Homeowners Insurance in St. Augustine on $450,000 Homes
Company Pre-2001 No Wind Pre-2001 w/ Wind 2005-Present
Citizens $4,126 $2,280 $2,126
People’s Trust $8,676 $5,067 $4,956
Progressive $5,767 $3,770 $3,531
Safeco $6,324 $4,884 $4,020
State Farm $3,630 $2,090 $1,542
Tower Hill $4,524 $2,384 $2,289
Universal Property $8,931 $4,225 $3,544
Average $8,741 $5,029 $4,362

It’s Time to Switch Your Homeowners Insurance

We partner with the nation’s top homeowners insurance companies so you can get a custom policy at an affordable price.

Insurance Companies in St. Augustine, Florida

While there are many St. Augustine insurance companies to choose from, only Clovered allows you to choose from all of them at the same time. We’ve partnered with the top insurance companies in St. Augustine, Florid,a so we can provide you with the best rates and the best policy possible.

Our online multi-rater tool analyzes your home’s information to find the best policy for you. As a licensed insurance agent in Florida, we partner with the city’s top insurers like Citizens and Universal Property & Casualty Insurance Company so you can get a quote online in minutes.

While a policy from Citizens may be among the cheapest in the city, the state-run insurance is relegated for those homeowners with lower value homes and who may not be able to secure a policy from other insurers.

State Farm in St. Augustine, Florida

Although we don’t partner with State Farm in St. Augustine, which has some of the lowest homeowners insurance rates in the city, we do partner with other insurers that specialize in Florida homes. The average cost for homeowners insurance from State Farm ranges from $939 to $2,421 annually, but this will vary by policyholder.

What Does Home Insurance in St. Augustine Cover?

Home insurance in St. Augustine covers a multitude of unexpected events like fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, water damage and other unexpected and unpredictable perils. But a policy doesn’t just protect your house.

Homeowners insurance in St. Augustine covers your personal belongings, a number of other structures on your property, medical expenses if someone is injured on your property and liability coverage for injuries and lawsuits that you may be liable for. Let’s take a deeper dive into all the coverages you get with a homeowners insurance policy.


St. Augustine Homeowners Insurance Coverages
Coverage Definition
Dwelling Coverage Dwelling coverage covers your home’s physical structure and components, such as the roof, walls, patios, flooring, pipes, and more.
Other Structures Coverage Other structures coverage covers permanent features on your property that aren’t attached to the main house, including sheds, fences, detached garages, and pools.
Personal Property Coverage Personal property coverage covers your posessions, like furniture, clothing, electronics, and jewelry, from theft and damage.
Loss of Use Coverage Loss of use coverage covers living expenses you’d incur if your home suffers major damage that forces you to move out temporarily. Your insurer can cover lodging, gas, and groceries while repairs are made.
Liability Coverage Liability coverage covers your finances if you’re found liable in a lawsuit. Your insurer can cover medical bills for injured parties, legal fees, and more.
Medical Payments Coverage Medical payments coverage covers minor medical expenses if someone gets hurt on your property, regardless of fault.

While homeowners insurance covers several perils, flooding, which is an issue in St. Augustine, is excluded by default. If you’re concerned about flood damage, you’d need a separate flood insurance policy.

How to Get a Quote for Homeowners Insurance in St. Augustine, Florida

Getting a homeowners insurance quote can be completed in just minutes using our intuitive online quoting tool. Simply answer a few questions about your home, we’ll account for all the additional factors in the background and we’ll provide you with some quotes in minutes.

If you have any questions along the way, our live-chat feature where you can talk to our in-house licensed agents is an excellent option. But if you want to go old-school, we completely understand! We’re at the intersection of technology and real people, so you can reach an agent by phone Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 833-255-4117 or by emailing us anytime at agent@clovered.com.

It's Time to Switch Your Homeowners Insurance

We partner with the nation's top homeowners insurance companies so you can get a custom policy at an affordable price.

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