Homeowners Insurance in Boynton Beach, Florida

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  • Homeowners Insurance in Boynton Beach, Florida

Residents of Boynton Beach enjoy a relaxed town with easy access to the beach and year-round warm weather. The lack of tourists compared to other places in South Florida draws residents to the city, and there’s a ton going on around Boynton involving sun and surf to keep them there.

The bountiful leisure comes at a price for homeowners, though. Its location in South Florida is a prime spot for hurricanes, which doesn’t bode well for the price of Boynton Beach homeowners insurance.

We break down the average cost of home insurance in Boynton below, with common coverages and several cost factors.

Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Boynton Beach, Florida

The average cost of Boynton Beach home insurance is $6,837 per year for a $150,000 house, $12,383 for a $300,000 house, and $17,759 for a $450,000 house. Boynton is part of Palm Beach County, which has some of the highest homeowners insurance rates in the state.

Florida overall tends to have some of the most expensive homeowners insurance in the nation, with premiums surging largely due to the severity of weather-related natural disasters. The average rate of homeowners insurance in Florida is $3,325 a year for a $150,000 house, $6,026 for a $450,000 house, and $8,644 for a $450,00 house. These premiums are higher than the national average.

Below, we’ll look at average costs from popular providers for three different, common levels of coverage you can get and discuss many factors that affect home insurance in Boynton Beach. 

Average Rates for Homeowners Insurance in Boynton Beach
Company $150,000 House $300,000 House $450,000 House
American Platinum $6,381 $11,974 $16,925
Citizens $5,211 $9,931 $13,542
Farm Bureau $5,417 $9,704 $13,994
Southern Oak $11,979 $21,477 $30,980
Tower Hill $3,497 $6,252 $9,011
Average $6,837 $12,383 $17,759
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The premiums displayed in this article were obtained by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. They represent the most recent rate filings from the state’s largest insurers and can be utilized as an average of what Floridians can expect to pay for homeowners insurance each year. The example premiums are based on a policy for a Florida masonry home with a $500 non-hurricane deductible, a 2% hurricane deductible and no claims in the past three years.

Homeowners insurance in Boynton Beach is well above the state average. But there’s a major consideration in determining the cost of Boynton Beach homeowners insurance that these averages aren’t reflecting. 

Wind mitigation, which is your house’s ability to withstand strong winds, is important in Florida for the safety of your home. Florida law also requires insurers to discount premiums for homeowners whose houses have proven wind mitigation measures in place.

Let’s take a look at the levels of wind mitigation that are considered in premiums.

Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Rate Factors
Home Construction Coverage Definition
Wind Mitigation Measures that strengthen your home’s ability to withstand strong winds from hurricanes and tropical storms. Common wind mitigation features involve roof construction methods, roof connections and attachments, and impact-resistant doors and windows.
Pre-2001 Construction w/ No Wind Mitigation These premiums represent Florida homes built in 1990 with no wind mitigation features. 
Pre-2001 Construction w/ Wind Mitigation These premiums represent Florida homes built in 1990 with maximum wind mitigation features. 
New Construction These premiums represent Florida homes built in 2005 after the state revamped its construction standards to better combat hurricane-force winds. These homes have limited wind mitigation features and no hip roof.

Now, let’s break down homeowners insurance in Boynton Beach, accounting for the age of your home and the presence of wind mitigation.

Average Rates for Homeowners Insurance in Boynton Beach on a $150,000 Home
Company Pre-2001 No Wind Pre-2001 w/ Wind 2005-Present
American Platinum $11,638 $3,582 $3,922
Citizens $7,376 $3,508 $4,750
Farm Bureau $10,079 $3,441 $2,732
Southern Oak $22,000 $9,012 $4,924
Tower Hill $5,961 $2,376 $2,423
Average $11,110 $4,714 $4,687

Wind mitigation can bring about big savings, which is evident in the numbers above. Let’s find out if these savings translate to a higher level of coverage.

Boynton Beach has some more expensive properties, especially near the coast, so a higher amount of coverage might be more suitable. In fact, properties in Boynton Beach and across Palm Beach County carry some of the most expensive homeowners insurance premiums in the state, leaving homeowners distressed by the rising costs, even those available through discount programs. 

Below, we have the numbers for $300,000 and $450,000 worth of home insurance in Boynton Beach. Let’s take a look. 

Average Rates for Homeowners Insurance in Boynton Beach on a $300,000 Home
Company Pre-2001 No Wind Pre-2001 w/ Wind 2005-Present
American Platinum $20,948 $7,128 $7,844
Citizens $13,277 $7,016 $9,500
Farm Bureau $18,142 $6,194 $4,776
Southern Oak $39,600 $16,222 $8,608
Tower Hill $10,244 $4,277 $4,236
Average $20,093 $8,633 $8,422


Average Rates for Homeowners Insurance in Boynton Beach on a $450,000 Home
Company Pre-2001 No Wind Pre-2001 w/ Wind 2005-Present
American Platinum $30,259 $10,710 $9,805
Citizens $19,178 $10,524 $10,925
Farm Bureau $26,205 $8,947 $6,830
Southern Oak $57,200 $23,431 $12,309
Tower Hill $14,797 $6178 $6057
Average $29,076 $12,555 $11,645
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Boynton Beach Homeowners Insurance Coverages

Home insurance in Boynton Beach covers a lot more than just your house. The relatively high cost of coverage may be worth it when you realize all the different aspects of financial protection you receive.

Let’s break down the common coverages that may appear on your Boynton Beach homeowners insurance.

Boynton Beach Homeowners Insurance Coverages 
Coverage Definition 
Coverage A Dwelling coverage, or Coverage A, protects the structure of your home. You may use this coverage if a covered peril damages your foundation, roof, flooring, and possibly even your HVAC system.
Coverage B Other structures coverage, or Coverage B, covers the things on your property that aren’t attached to your main house. You may use this coverage if a covered peril damages your garage, fence, pool, or shed.
Coverage C Personal property coverage, or Coverage C, covers your personal belongings. You may use this coverage if a covered peril damages your furniture, appliances, or clothing, among many other things.
Coverage D Loss of use coverage, or Coverage D, may cover you if your home becomes uninhabitable due to damage from a covered peril. You may use this coverage to cover expenses like food, temporary housing, or other necessities.  
Coverage E Personal liability coverage, or Coverage E, protects you should a guest sustain an injury on your property. You may use this coverage to help with medical expenses or legal fees.
Coverage F Medical payments coverage, or Coverage F, may help you cover a guest’s medical expenses should they sustain a minor injury on your property.

Boynton Beach Home Insurance Cost Factors

Plenty of factors beyond wind mitigation can affect your insurance premium. To properly calculate risk, providers look at several things, some more obvious than others, to determine the cost of your homeowners insurance. While the exact considerations vary from company to company, some common ones include:

On top of these, there are some weather-related considerations insurers need to look at for Boynton Beach homeowners insurance.

Flooding in Boynton Beach

Flooding in Boynton Beach can occur as a result of heavy rains, king tide, or a hurricane/tropical storm that hits the region. Also, some areas of Boynton and most properties along the coast in nearby Ocean Ridge are in federally designated flood zones, and the presence of these zones affects insurance rates.

Recently Tropical Storm Eta and Hurricane Dorian flooded parts of the city, reminding residents of the ever-present danger of floods.

Standard homeowners insurance policies don’t cover damage from flooding. To sufficiently protect your home and belongings from flood damage, you’d need a separate flood policy. Although flood insurance isn’t required by law, it could be a safe and wise investment in an area like Boynton that’s around so much water. Additionally, a mortgage lender may not lend to you if you live in a high-risk flood zone unless you have a flood insurance plan to protect against flooding in Boynton Beach.

Stay Above Water With Flood Insurance

Do you want to pay for costly and common flood damage yourself or have an insurance policy pick up the tab?

Boynton Beach Hurricane Damage

If you live in South Florida, you’re well aware of the risk of hurricanes. Although major Boynton Beach hurricane damage has been avoided in recent years, hurricanes Matthew, Irma and Dorian came dangerously close and the town was brushed with some of their weather-related effects.

Fortunately, homeowners insurance covers many instances of hurricane damage. If you purchase a policy through Clovered, hurricanes are one of over a dozen perils you’re financially safeguarded from. A peril is anything that can cause damage or property loss. As far as Boynton Beach home insurance is concerned, hurricanes and tropical storms are a significant peril to worry about.

How to Save on Homeowners Insurance in Boynton Beach, Florida

As we’ve outlined, Boynton Beach homeowners insurance can be costly. The best way to find savings is to compare rates from different companies to see who has the most affordable plan. At Clovered, we make this easy. Our online quote engine enables you to compare rates from top providers in the state at no cost.

We exist to make insurance easier. If you’d like to speak to a licensed agent, call 833-255-4117 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. or email us anytime at agent@clovered.com.

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