Homeowners Insurance in Wellington, Florida (2024)

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  • Homeowners Insurance in Wellington, Florida (2024)

Wellington is where residents in Palm Beach County go to get more space for their buck while maintaining proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. It’s essential to have homeowners insurance in Wellington to protect your property.

Unfortunately, South Florida has some of the highest home insurance rates in the country, so finding affordable coverage is challenging. Before you buy a policy, use this guide to help with your search for the best homeowners insurance in Wellington.

How Much Is Homeowners Insurance in Wellington, Florida?

The average cost of homeowners insurance in Wellington is about $6,837 annually on a $150,000 house, $12,383 on a $300,000 house, and $17,759 on a $450,000 house.

Florida is one of the most expensive states for homeowners insurance, and South Florida is especially costly due to the high risk of hurricane damage and loads of high-end homes in the region. Palm Beach County has the fourth-highest average premiums in the state, trailing only Broward, Monroe, and Miami-Dade. 

While this sounds like bad news, there’s no need to worry before looking at the numbers in-depth. The home insurance market is complex, as many factors affect rates. You can get significant discounts depending on your property characteristics.

The following table gives you a nuanced look at Wellington home insurance premiums, with rates from nine common companies for houses at three different price levels.

Average Annual Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Wellington in 2024
Company $150,000 House $300,000 House $450,000 House
Citizens $5,211 $9,931 $13,542
Farm Bureau $5,417 $9,704 $13,994
Southern Oak $11,979 $21,477 $30,980
Tower Hill $3,497 $6,252 $9,011
Universal Property $6,381 $11,974 $16,925
Average $6,837 $12,383 $17,759

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The premiums displayed in this article were obtained by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. They represent the most recent rate filings from the state’s largest insurers and can be utilized as an average of what Floridians can expect to pay for homeowners insurance each year. The example premiums are based on a policy for a Florida masonry home with a $500 non-hurricane deductible, a 2% hurricane deductible and no claims in the past three years.

Due to the many factors affecting rates and insurance company strategies, rates can vary considerably by carrier. These possible price differences can yield savings for you, so you should always take the time to compare rates when looking for home insurance in Wellington. Don’t settle for the first quote you get.

Although rates vary by company, you’ll always find that insurance costs rise as your home value increases. More expensive houses cost more to cover because they have higher replacement costs

Replacement cost is the amount of money needed to rebuild your house as it is from the ground up based on materials and labor. It’s a primary valuation metric for insurance companies that lets them know how much insurance you need. Naturally, the more coverage you need, the more it will cost.

As we mentioned, many more factors affect rates. Two other variables affecting premiums are home age and wind mitigation. We break down the effects of these factors on homes in Wellington at every price level in the tables that follow, starting with $150,000 houses.

Before we look at the numbers, let’s take a look at how insurers categorize homes using these two factors.

Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Rate Factors
Home Construction Coverage Definition
Wind Mitigation Measures that strengthen your home’s ability to withstand strong winds from hurricanes and tropical storms. Common wind mitigation features involve roof construction methods, roof connections and attachments, and impact-resistant doors and windows.
Pre-2001 Construction w/ No Wind Mitigation These premiums represent Florida homes built in 1990 with no wind mitigation features. 
Pre-2001 Construction w/ Wind Mitigation These premiums represent Florida homes built in 1990 with maximum wind mitigation features. 
New Construction These premiums represent Florida homes built in 2005 after the state revamped its construction standards to better combat hurricane-force winds. These homes have limited wind mitigation features and no hip roof.

Now, let’s see the average premiums on $150,000 houses considering wind mitigation and home age.

Average Annual Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Wellington on a $150,000 Home in 2024
Company Pre-2001 No Wind Pre-2001 w/ Wind 2005-Present
Citizens $7,376 $3,508 $4,750
Farm Bureau $10,079 $3,441 $2,732
Southern Oak $22,000 $9,012 $4,924
Tower Hill $5,961 $2,376 $2,423
Universal Property $11,638 $3,582 $3,922
Average $11,110 $4,714 $4,687

Even fairly affordable homes in Wellington can have insurance premiums exceeding $10,000 annually without wind mitigation. Wind mitigation is critical in Florida, even if you’re not necessarily near the coast or water, to prevent possible damage from hurricanes, a major cause of claims and payouts for providers.

Effective wind mitigation on older $150,000 houses effectively cut premiums in half. This trend continues on $300,000 homes.

Average Annual Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Wellington on a $300,000 Home in 2024
Company Pre-2001 No Wind Pre-2001 w/ Wind 2005-Present
Citizens $13,277 $7,016 $9,500
Farm Bureau $18,142 $6,194 $4,776
Southern Oak $39,600 $16,222 $8,608
Tower Hill $10,244 $4,277 $4,236
Universal Property $20,948 $7,128 $7,844
Average $20,093 $8,633 $8,422

Wind mitigation on $300,000 houses in Wellington reduced average rates by over $10,000 annually. Older homes often have higher rates than newer ones because older construction is more prone to damage. 

Aging components, such as roofs and pipes, fail more easily due to wear and tear or outdated design. Also, new homes in Florida are always built with some wind mitigation by default.

The final table shows average Wellington home insurance rates for $450,000 houses in the city.

Average Annual Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Wellington on a $450,000 Home in 2024
Company Pre-2001 No Wind Pre-2001 w/ Wind 2005-Present
Citizens $19,178 $10,524 $10,925
Farm Bureau $26,205 $8,947 $6,830
Southern Oak $57,200 $23,431 $12,309
Tower Hill $14,797 $6178 $6057
Universal Property $30,259 $10,710 $9,805
Average $29,076 $12,555 $11,645

It’s Time to Switch Your Homeowners Insurance

We partner with the nation’s top homeowners insurance companies so you can get a custom policy at an affordable price.

Companies With the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance in Wellington

Citizens and Tower Hill often had the cheapest homeowners insurance in Wellington, although this won’t always be the case. Rates vary due to many factors, and you won’t know which company is the cheapest for you until you get quotes.

Many factors affect the price of home insurance, including details about your property and coverage needs. Also, business decisions on the carriers’ end may influence premiums. For example, some companies may be looking to expand or withdraw in some areas, raising or lowering premiums in that location. Or, a company may have experienced large losses last year, so they raise rates the next year to recoup funds.

It’s always wise to shop around when looking for coverage. Typical policies last a year at a time before renewing when your company reassesses your rate to see if any changes in your property or risk affect your insurance costs for the upcoming year. You should also check your policy, and if your rate increases, you can shop around again for the cheapest homeowners insurance in Wellington.

Wellington Homeowners Insurance Coverages

Wellington home insurance policies generally contain the same coverage areas regardless of which provider gives the policy. The coverages in a home insurance plan generally look as follows:

Wellington Homeowners Insurance Coverages
Coverage Definition
Dwelling Coverage Dwelling coverage provides protection for the physical structure of your home. This coverage can help cover elements of your home like your foundation, flooring, roof, walls, pipes, and more.
Other Structures Coverage Other structures coverage covers features on your property that aren’t attached to the main house. This coverage may protect features such as carports, detached garages, fences, sheds, and more.
Personal Property Coverage Personal property coverage can cover your personal items, like appliances, furniture, tools, clothing, jewelry, and more.
Loss of Use Coverage Loss of use coverage may come to your rescue if your home is significantly damaged by a covered peril and rendered unlivable. It may help you cover expenses like food, gasoline, temporary housing, and other necessities.
Liability Coverage Liability coverage can help protect your liability if someone suffers an injury on your property or if you damage someone else’s property. It may help you cover expenses like medical bills and legal costs.
Medical Payments Coverage Medical payments coverage can help you cover minor medical expenses someone incurs on your property, regardless of fault. 

How to Get the Best Homeowners Insurance in Wellington

The best homeowners insurance in Wellington varies by person, depending on your coverage needs and budget. There’s no way to recommend the best company because you could have different preferences on customer service and coverage options. 

Instead, we suggest you understand your coverage needs and how to make informed decisions about your policy to adjust it for your needs.

Adjust Policy Limits

You’re responsible for setting most of your policy’s limits when you’re getting a plan. You can change almost every section of coverage to increase protection or lower premiums.

Insurance companies require your dwelling coverage to be at least 80% of your home’s replacement cost. You can increase it to 100% or more for complete protection in case of a total rebuild, but this will cost you. 

Your other structures limit is typically 10% of your dwelling coverage amount. This is sufficient for almost all policyholders, but you might need to consult your insurer if you have several costly other structures, such as an extravagant pool.

We recommend creating a home inventory to value your belongings and give you a precise number to set your personal property limit. And, consider raising your liability limits to cover all your assets financially. For instance, if you have $500,000 in assets, we suggest getting $500,000 in coverage.

Consider Endorsements

Ensure you’re addressing all of your coverage needs by looking at possible endorsements to fill coverage gaps in your policy. Endorsements are additional protections that cover areas or possessions not included in default coverage.

Endorsements and their prices vary by company, but some common ones include those for high-value belongings, home-based businesses, and inflation guards.

Seek Savings

The best insurance policy will protect you sufficiently at the best price. You can save money on your policy by raising your deductible and shopping around.

When getting a policy, you choose your deductible – the amount of money damage must exceed before you can file a claim. Common deductibles range from $500 to $2,000. Selecting a higher deductible means covering more property damage out of your pocket before filing a claim to ask your insurer to cover the damage.

Insurers prefer this as it saves them money. It lowers your financial risk as you have lower odds of filing a claim, which reduces your premiums. So, the higher deductible you choose, the lower your rates.

The most crucial step of your home insurance search is comparing rates among providers. Getting multiple quotes ensures you find the best price for your desired coverage. You can always consult a home insurance agency in Wellington for additional help.

What to Know About Flood Insurance in Wellington, Florida

Homeowners insurance protects your home from a variety of perils, including fires, hurricanes, and theft. While your policy typically covers over a dozen perils in total, one notable damage source never included is flooding. 

Flooding is the country’s most common and costly natural disaster, and homeowners insurance policies don’t cover flood damage due to its frequency and unpredictability.

Anywhere it can rain, it can flood. Florida has generally low-lying terrain that can flood from an incident as minor as a thunderstorm or unexpected drainage issues. South Florida experiences heavy rainfall regularly. Hurricanes can also dump large amounts of rain on impact.

Your property isn’t fully protected without a separate flood insurance policy. Wellington residents are eligible for a 20% discount on flood insurance plans from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) when located in high-risk flood zones.

If you’re currently on the hunt for home coverage, we suggest looking into flood insurance in Wellington, also.

Stay Above Water With Flood Insurance

Do you want to pay for costly and common flood damage yourself or have an insurance policy pick up the tab?

Cost Factors of Home Insurance in Wellington, Florida

Several factors affect the cost of home insurance in Wellington. Any aspect of your life or property that increases your financial risk to your insurance company can increase your premiums. Some factors that can raise rates include:

Conversely, factors that can lower Wellington standard homeowners insurance rates include:

  • Proximity to fire stations
  • Security systems
  • High deductibles

Is Home Insurance Required in Wellington?

Homeowners insurance isn’t required by law in Wellington. But, if you have a mortgage, your lender will likely mandate a home insurance policy for the duration of the loan.

Lenders require borrowers to keep home insurance to protect their investments. If your house gets destroyed by a covered peril, all parties can recoup their money through the insurance policy.

Lenders typically include this stipulation in the mortgage agreement, and if you don’t maintain your coverage, your lender has the right to force place insurance on you. Force-placed insurance is more expensive and less comprehensive than a policy you can get on your own, and we recommend avoiding it at all times. 

Take your time to find the right policy, and make your insurance payments on time. Many homeowners pay their policy through escrow to ensure they don’t miss a payment. 

How to Get Homeowners Insurance Quotes in Wellington

There’s a lot of information to keep track of when getting homeowners insurance quotes in Wellington. Be sure you’re covering all your bases on your insurance search with the help of an independent agency. 

Our team at Clovered is based in nearby Fort Lauderdale, so we’re very familiar with South Florida coverage needs. Contact our licensed agents over the phone by calling 833-255-4117 during business hours, or use our online quoting tool at any time on our website to compare plans. You can also email us at [email protected].

It's Time to Switch Your Homeowners Insurance

We partner with the nation's top homeowners insurance companies so you can get a custom policy at an affordable price.

The editorial content on Clovered’s website is meant to be informational material and should not be considered legal advice.

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